Terms and Conditions (T&C) for Qi Gong Classes and Treatments

1. Disclaimer of Liability

The instructor assumes no liability for health problems that may arise in connection with participation in individual and group courses or seminars. Participants are required to clarify any potential health risks with their doctor before participating. Certain exercises may cause dizziness.

2. Cancellation and Withdrawal

The course fee applies to the entire package and not to individual sessions. In particular, during the courses and seminars, participants acquire intellectual knowledge that includes an introduction to ancient inner alchemy, which is thousands of years old.
Withdrawal after the start of the course is no longer possible—in this case, the entire course fee is due.
Therefore, all interested parties are strongly encouraged to take advantage of a trial lesson in order to gain a personal impression of the class beforehand.

For treatments, cancellations or rescheduling must be made at least 3 days in advance. Otherwise, the full amount will be charged.

3. Health Information

Participants should ensure that they are in suitable health to participate in Qi Gong classes. If there are existing health problems, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting the course/treatment.

4. Course Execution

The courses are conducted to the best of the instructor’s knowledge and belief. However, results and progress may vary individually. The instructor cannot guarantee specific successes or improvements.

5. Disclaimer of Liability for Personal Items

The instructor assumes no liability for the loss or damage of participants' personal items during the course.

6. Data Protection

Participants' personal data will be treated confidentially and used exclusively for internal course management purposes. Data will not be shared with third parties without the express consent of the participants.

7. Changes to the T&C

The instructor reserves the right to change these T&C as needed. Participants will be informed of any changes in a timely manner.

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