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Das Sein des Nichts
Dreissig Speichen treffen die Nabe,
die Leere dazwischen macht das Rad.
Lehm formt der Töpfer zu Gefäßen,
die Leere darinnen macht das Gefäß.
Fenster und Türen bricht man in Mauern,
die Leere damitten macht die Behausung.
Das Sichtbare bildet die Form eines Werkes,
das Nicht-Sichtbare macht seinen Wert aus.
Zhong Yuan Qi Gong features a deepness I could not find with other Qi Gong and yoga classes. It inspires me again and again.
Raphael L. from B.Right from our first encounter I noticed Michel is an extraordinary man. Michel lives in a whole different world and he happily took me…
Nicolas B. from S.I’ve tried out quite a few things. But with Michel all comes together with his authentic, humble and deep knowledge. I feel perfectly at…
Christina V. from Z.Not who looks for it and searches,
but who closes his eyes,
becomes aware of the invisible.